
Marty Broda

Nia Black Belt Teacher

about Marty

Marty Broda, licensed Black and Green Belt Nia® Technique Teacher and founder of Synchronia Inc., has shared Nia with thousands of people in Nia classes since 1999. She teaches Classic Nia classes and also adapts class format for special populations: Gentle Nia and Aqua Nia classes. Marty finds Nia more than a physical workout. To her, it heals, self-directs, and enhances her life’s blessings. She chooses Nia as her life practice and path. Nia changes her life. She feels more joy, lives fuller, senses serenity, and lives mindfully. Marty retired after 30 years of teaching High School, has eight grandchildren, and crafts/sells Earth totems called Gaia Spirit Sticks.

For more information, call 919-968-0889 or email Marty at


Marty has announced her retirement from teaching Nia. Triangle Nia wishes her all the best as she embarks on her next adventures!

Thank you for all your contributions to our Nia community, Marty! Keep on dancing!