Nia Moves Me
feel-good fitness!
Combining dance, martial arts, and mindfulness, Nia tones your body while transforming your mind. More than just a workout, Nia is a holistic fitness practice addressing each aspect of your life - body, mind, and soul.
We believe every person can discover, explore, unleash, and enhance their individual potential to live a healthy and meaningful life by engaging their senses and listening to their bodies.
Nia is based on the intelligent design of the body. Each workout brings mindfulness to your dance movement experience leaving you energized, mentally clear, and emotionally balanced.
Nia cardio-dance workouts combine 52 simple moves with dance arts, martial arts, and healing arts to get you fit - body, mind, emotion, and spirit.
Nia is non-impact, practiced barefoot, and adaptable to individual needs and abilities. Nia classes are taught by licensed Nia teachers.
Benefits of Nia
There are many reasons people benefit from Nia, beyond the obvious physical benefits. Nia also addresses the mental, emotional, and spiritual realms.
body-mind-emotion-spirit integration
cardiovascular conditioning
right & left brain stimulation + neuroplasticity
centering & grounding
muscle tone + strength
flexibility, mobility, and agility
whole body fitness
improved self-esteem
enhanced vitality
emotional release
stress reduction & relaxation
postural alignment
weight management
increased energy
better circulation
stronger immune system
greater endurance
improved digestion
concentration + mental clarity + focus
connection & community
grace strength mindfulness balance JOY
And the list of people who can benefit from Nia is as long as your imagination, your inspiration, and your personal vision.